Romans 4:19 (ESV): 19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb.
In the first several chapters of Romans, Paul first established that all have sinned and deserve God’s wrath, both Jew and Gentile. Then, Paul explained that we cannot be made righteous by obeying the law. We must believe in Christ, who makes us righteous by his sacrificial death on Calvary.
Paul’s primary example for grace by faith in Jesus alone is Abraham. Even Abraham was not circumcised (a singular expression of obedience to the Law in that day) before he was justified by God. Rather, Abraham believed God’s promise.
Furthermore, Abraham’s faith in God did not weaken as he and Sarah grew older, yet did not have children. Rather, he continued to believe against hope that he would be the father of many nations (Romans 4:18).
We must follow the example of our father in the faith and believe God’s promise. Furthermore, our faith must grow stronger, not weaken, as we continue to follow Jesus.
We know that Abraham did question God, wondering why God had not given him a son sooner. We know that Abraham and Sarah got ahead of God’s plan, believing that Sarah’s servant could produce the heir God promised.
Despite his questions and misstep, however, Abraham did believe God – and he did not waver in his belief that God would keep his promise.
Heavenly Father, help me to imitate Abraham’s example of unwavering faith, holding tightly to your promises, believing you always. Amen.