The power of prayer


Luke 9:29 (ESV): 29 And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white.


In the events leading up to the Mount of Transfiguration, Luke tells of Peter confessing that Jesus is the Christ of God, Jesus’ foretelling of his death, and Jesus’ call to take up their cross and follow him.

Eight days later, Jesus took Peter, John, and James into the mountain to pray. It was during this time of prayer that Jesus was transfigured, and Moses and Elijah appeared. Peter babbled, and God the Father spoke in return, but we are not told of Jesus saying anything.

Jesus then went down the mountain and healed the demon-possessed boy the nine could not, as Jesus said, because that kind of case required much prayer. Jesus foretold his death again, dealt with the disciples’ covetous desires to be greatest, their jealousy against others who cast out demons in Jesus’ name, and their anger against a Samaritan village who rejected Jesus.

The chapter closes with Jesus again speaking of the cost of following him.


We are not told of any words Jesus spoke on the Mount of Transfiguration, but we are told that he prayed. And the power he received through prayer and fellowship with his Father is evident in the events that followed that experience.

The well known hymn asks what peace we often forfeit from failing to spend time in prayer. We might also ask, what power do we not experience when we fail to spend time in prayer?


Heavenly Father, may I know you more deeply through prayer and experience your power that I might honor you in how I live and serve you. Amen.

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