How much are we willing to suffer?


Mark 15:23 (ESV): 23 And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it.


This is the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mark adds a detail that is not necessarily shared by the other gospel writers. Mark says that before Jesus was crucified, they offered him wine mixed with myrrh.

Then, as noted by other gospel accounts, in Mark 15:37 after Jesus had cried out in agony asking the Father why He had forsaken him, someone put a sponge with sour wine or vinegar to Jesus’ lips, which he rejected after tasting.

It would seem that offering wine or sour wine was a small concession made for criminals being crucified so that their ordeal could not be as torturous. But Jesus determined to fully suffer on the Cross, as he bore our sin upon his shoulders.


Jesus suffered willingly and fully out of his love for us. How much are we willing to suffer for him?

Do we seek to escape the rigors of discipleship, the way of the Cross? Or do we willingly take up our cross each day to follow Jesus?


Heavenly Father, thank you for your love for us that did not spare your only begotten Son. Jesus, thank you for suffering fully and dying for me, to buy my pardon but also to demonstrate the love and commitment I should have for you. I choose to take up my cross and follow you each day. Amen.

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