Don’t forget to pray


Matthew 9:37–38 (ESV): 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”


Matthew 9 is filled with stories about people with little or no hope: a paralyzed man whose sins were forgiven and then healed, a tax collector who becomes a disciple and invites his unacceptable friends to a party featuring Jesus, disciples who don’t follow proper religious protocol, a woman with an discharge of blood for 12 years, a dead little girl, two blind men, and a demon-oppressed mute man.

Each received grace from King Jesus. But while Jesus had compassion on the people, he saw the overwhelming need and commanded his disciples to pray.


Jesus did not command his disciples to work harder, although that may have been a good response. Jesus did not command them to recruit more workers, although that was necessary.

Jesus told his disciples to ask the Father to send more workers into the harvest. Are we faithful to pray for more workers to aid us in discipling disciple-makers?


Heavenly Father, you see our desperate need for more workers to share the Gospel, minister to the needy, and disciple people to become disciple-makers. Please provide for this need, Amen.

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