A harvest of righteousness


James 3:18 (ESV): 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.


James 3 talks about the deadliness of the tongue. James asked how the same tongue could speak both blessing and cursing. It doesn’t make sense, but it happens all the time.

In the final sentences of this chapter, James urged his readers to seek the wisdom that comes from God, rather than the wisdom of the world.

God’s wisdom is the ability to love God and others the way God wants us to; the wisdom of the world is carnality that always lusts for the interests of Self.


If we seek and receive God’s wisdom, we will bear a harvest of righteousness. This harvest is sown in peace as we make peace with others, instead of warring and fighting for what we think we should have.


Heavenly Father, help me to be a peacemaker and so produce a harvest of righteousness for your glory. Amen.

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