On whose side am I?

Joshua 5:13–14 (ESV): 13 When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?”


At this point in the book of Joshua, the people had crossed over the Jordan on dry land, and set up twelve memorial stones in the middle of the river.

The Canaanite nations were terrified of them. Israel camped at Gilgal and all the men were circumcised, who had been born on the way to Canaan.

Israel then observed Passover, and the day after, ate of the land’s produce for the first time. The next day, God no longer sent manna for the people to eat.

Joshua was near Jericho, and he saw a man standing with a drawn sword. Joshua challenged him, asking whose side he was on.

The man answered that he was on neither side, for he was the commander of the Lord’s army. At this, Joshua worshipped and asked for God’s instructions.


We often approach life and other people like Joshua did. We want to know who is on our side. We implicitly believe that God must be on our side.

But the question is wrong. Instead of asking if others are on our side, we should ask if we are on God’s side. “Lord, what would you have me to do?”


Heavenly Father, I have surrendered my life to you. May I live each day following your directions as a good soldier in the Lord’s army. Amen.

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